Sunday, June 17, 2012


One of the least spoken subject on Malaysian Tourism is balanced growth especially when talking about a balanced approach to sustain its growth momentum after experiencing rising arrivals in recent years.  With the year 2020 as the expected highest peak the subject needs special attention by all tourism stake holders.

Are we following the ‘limits to change’ model, which means we, as a country, will have to decide what extent of change we are willing to live with ?

While millions are being spend on events that has not big impact on tourism arrivals are we now more focused on yield than arrivals?  It has been said a million times before that  “We need to improve service standards and delivery, because in order to charge more, you must deliver more.”

This strategy includes developing a variety of infrastructure, human resources and technological projects, such as the introduction of ATMs and point-of-sale machines to make it easier for tourists to spend.
The tourism development strategy also requires a balance of local business and foreign investment. Hotel operators in Malaysia must adhere to limits on room numbers.  Can we use 70 per property in the capital and as low as 40 elsewhere in the country. Or is there a better rule of thumb.

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